Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Stone benchtops are in.

Here are some up to date pics.  The render still has to be put on the bottom half of the house and we are waiting on the top window mouldings to be applied.  Looking very dry at the moment.

Not much has progressed on the house in the last 2 weeks and we are waiting for some defects such as numerous bowed plaster walls and uneven cornice, to be rectified.  Funny how they put the pressure on to be paid before they even complete a job to the building code standard....
Its a shame for Porter Davis...their checking process and communication leave a LOT to be desired.
Oh well...we'll get there in the end....(if our supervisor ever decides to return our phone calls that is..)

Friday, 16 January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Lock Up! And here comes the staircase...Yay!!

Well, its been over a month since the last update and finally there are some interesting things happening on the inside...Stairs, plaster, doors.  Cabinets are about to be installed. The house is at lock-up stage so now comes the fun with the interior...

Linear Boards have been put on the facade and now just need to be painted and external window mouldings need to be installed.

We're happy with the staircase. It has a nice curve on the handrail.